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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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File: 71 KB, 550x410, my_little_pony_party.jpg [View same] [iqdb]
20665715 No.20665715 [Reply] [Original]

So guys... why the fuck is /co/ into my little pony?

>> No.20665723

I'm not. I'm part of /co/. I like kid's cartoons fine, but that's really, really pushing it.

>> No.20665724

Because while that shit is clearly for little girls, it's well-animated, has some sort of plot and is really oddly endearing.

>> No.20665728

has more plot than have the shit we watch

>> No.20665731

Don't like it.
Watched it because of /co/.
It was just stupid. Animation is actually pretty good, but otherwise...nyeugh.
Shit is just dumb.

>> No.20665733

Nostalgia for me, mostly. I watched the old series when I was a kid, and seeing a new series that's actually pretty good is quite nice.

>> No.20665736

Because /co/ is full of 13 year old girls trapped in the bodies of adult males.

>> No.20665741
File: 505 KB, 1581x1329, 1277209294434.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Because the Iron pony is on out side.

>> No.20665745

Because they want to be the little girl.

>> No.20665746
File: 82 KB, 600x467, my world.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

How many people on /co/ could actually possibly enjoy this?

Without being perverted even for 4chan, anyway...

>> No.20665752

Seconding the nostalgia factor. I liked MLP as a kid, and it was a pleasant surprise that this series seems way more polished (animation, voices, plot) than the ponies in my childhood.

>> No.20665761

You know how /a/ likes k-on or whatever? It's something like that.

>> No.20665765

It's creepy as hell that grown men could possibly like it?

>> No.20665778

Trick question. They are that perverted.

>> No.20665790

I enjoy it without the slightest hint of sexual interest.

>> No.20665795

>I am a homosexual.

>> No.20665805

MLP is better than anything else on during that time slot. Although I'm really only there for Fraggle Rock.

>> No.20665814

No, they just aren't anthro enough to register that way.

>> No.20665821

I fucking loved My Little Ponies as a kid. I've only seen the first episode so far, but it was cute, well-animated, well-voiced, and had some light laughs.

Sure, it's made for little kids, but so is a lot of stuff we watch.

>> No.20665833

I liked the first episode. the characters all seems pretty likable.

>> No.20665849
File: 84 KB, 526x464, totallynotgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20665897
File: 39 KB, 450x262, 1285696729106.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

OP here, just watched the first episode. Was never into this stuff when I was younger but it is a little addicting to watch...

It's still gay and I can't get over the nauseating names.

>> No.20665919

OP, it's a troll gone wrong. Horribly horribly wrong.

>> No.20666003
File: 63 KB, 448x327, megabarf.png [View same] [iqdb]

Oh boy, vomit party!

>> No.20666108

who doesn't like adorable little ponies

communists that's who

filthy fucking communists

>> No.20666214
File: 18 KB, 504x340, my little pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

- Nostalgia
- It's animated well
- It's characterized well
- It's voiced well
- It's actually pretty funny
- It has an actual story, and one that appears to be going into grimdark territory (relatively speaking)
- Reaction faces. Reaction faces everywhere.
- It evokes the feelings we ALL felt when the Robot Unicorn Attack game headshotted us with rainbows, horsies and catchy, campy music.
- Trollan drawfags like to do creepy fanart and then see people's reactions
- It's a goldmine for funny fanart as well
- Production is being run by Lauren Frost

Plenty of reasons. Someone bloody well cap this so I don't have to type this out every damned time a thread like this happens.

>> No.20666226

Oh yeah, also:

- It's a cartoon. /co/ likes cartoons.
- Ponies. Everyone likes ponies.

>> No.20666362
File: 101 KB, 1200x884, mlpgenerations.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I'm getting a kick out of these MLP threads. We've got people reminiscing on how they loved MLP as kids, troll battles over whether MLP is gay or fabulously awesome, people confessing how they feel ashamed about liking MLP, drawfaggotry and MLP image macros, posting theories about how certain ponies are pimps or slave workers, and so on.

I enjoy the show itself as well, but part of the enjoyment are these threads. I think it's just adorable to watch /co/ wanting to be the little girl and analyzing a cartoon intended for kids.

Like the screenshot here; it just makes me d'awww that people unfamiliar with the franchise ask more info about MLP and then ponder their opinions over it.

>> No.20666369


>> No.20666375

Because the first episode has more plot than all of evangelion

>> No.20666378

Why cap it? Half is retarded. Cap it yourself lazy ass.

>> No.20666401
File: 29 KB, 201x300, Tara Strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

The voice actresses.


> Voice actress for Twilight Sparkle

>> No.20666911


This is true, which makes it funny and sad at the same time.

>> No.20666934

This is why /a/ mocks us. Actually fuck /a/, a nine year old girl would mock you. This is beyond pathetic.

>> No.20666951

Good thing I don't give two fucks what either of those think.

>> No.20666954



>> No.20666976

Applejackis my favorite.

>> No.20666989
File: 64 KB, 347x474, mylittlepony.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20667000

anyone have that different generations picture?

>> No.20667001

Primarily pedophilia.

>> No.20667008

A 14 year old boy would mock you for watching cartoons at all.

Also a grown man would mock you for being a pedophile and probably also beat the shit out of you. You're not exactly in a good place to be judging social deviants.

>> No.20667014

>they're horses


>> No.20667019

This is a ripp off of a Goya painting, I think it's called El Cabrón or El Aquelarre.

>> No.20667030
File: 54 KB, 351x334, 1287345742454.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20667032

/co/ expresses its pedophilia partly as an interest in things that little girls are interested in. It helps them feel connected to their rape targets.

>> No.20667041

I'd post some great (illustrated) horse porn, but...

>> No.20667044
File: 57 KB, 240x200, 20080525131932.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20667048
File: 318 KB, 548x800, El Gran Cabrón.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

El Gran Cabrón. Terrific painting.

>> No.20667057

i dont really find the ponies that attractive

but if a friendly magical talking pony wanted to date i would give the relationship a chance

>> No.20667093
File: 858 KB, 1268x689, generations.png [View same] [iqdb]

this one?

>> No.20667108

...alright, scratch that I'm DEFINITELY gonna post some horse porn when I get back...

>> No.20667134

it's a fun cartoon and I don't feel the need to only watch mature cartoons for mature viewers such as myself.

>> No.20667139

Ohh goody.

>> No.20667143
File: 34 KB, 599x376, pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20667211

I don't understand why everypony who doesn't like the show feels the need to apeshit at all the ponies who do.

I guess they aren't feeling the magic of friendship.

>> No.20667222

Denial - "I can't believe /co/ is into this bullshit"


Bargaining - "Fine I'll give it a try, but I am NOT going to be kind with my critique."

Depression - "Oh god its actually not bad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME."

Acceptance - "Fluttershy is mai waifu :3 :3 :3"

>> No.20667240

Holy shit that's what I did.
Am I going to die now?

>> No.20667242
File: 651 KB, 1083x1207, youareallpedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Because you are pedos.

>> No.20667252
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>> No.20667263

holy shit that is the most insane article I have ever seen

>> No.20667269

This is why women get so much shit. That was one of the worst things I have ever read. She is embarrassing them in front of all the other genders.

>> No.20667289


>> No.20667302

Well those ponies do seem to be begging for it...

>> No.20667566

MLP threads make my work day tolerable

>> No.20667594

two more days until part 2

>> No.20667595

I was looking forward to coming home today and getting in on some steamy MLP thread action.

>> No.20667624

Because the guys here desire to have sex with underaged ponies

>> No.20667712

>all of them live on their own
>at least three of them run their own businesses

have you even watched the show?

>> No.20667757

Because the threads about it are always hilarious and full of porn

>> No.20667758


Characters in children's shows often occupy a weird ambiguity with respect to their age. They don't quite act like adults, (so the audience can relate with them better, I suppose) but they still have the independence of adults.

Also, they're fucking ponies, they don't necessarily age the same way we do.

>> No.20667765

Of course I haven't!
They seemed to be underaged, if they aren't... well, /co/ still desires to have sex with non-anthropomorphic ponies.

>> No.20667830

Or they could just like a goofy kid's show...

>> No.20667855

Because I feel like a little girl while watching it.

>> No.20667921
File: 22 KB, 640x384, 1287516285580.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


And the voice acting...and Twilight Sparkle

>> No.20668357 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 634x823, 1287463686229.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

This is what the G5 ponies are going to look like.

>> No.20668393
File: 75 KB, 222x313, Spike.png [View same] [iqdb]

I just like Spike.

>> No.20668552

That's because spike is fucking pimp-a-liscious.

>> No.20668600

Spike has no genitals. Much like Fin Fang Foom.

>> No.20668629

i like the artstyle of the original better...

>> No.20668653
File: 48 KB, 400x604, 84178wDFC_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>why the fuck is /co/ into my little pony?

Because of stupid girls!

>> No.20668654

He's still a pimp.

>> No.20668678

maybe that's why he's a good pimp? he never gets tempted to test the merchandise, it's all business

>> No.20668757
File: 283 KB, 919x1300, horse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Alright, I'm back here we go....

>> No.20668777 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 919x1300, horse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Oh exploitable, by the way

>> No.20668784 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 919x1300, horse3.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20668791

/co/'s into My Little Pony now!? I was only gone for maybe a year! What the hell happened?

>> No.20668796 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 919x1300, horse4.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20668816

>> No.20668843
File: 168 KB, 919x1300, horse6.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20668854

Dude, didn't you just post a big pack of Wendy the Good Little Witch comics the other day? You don't have much room to talk.

>> No.20668861

I'm beginning to think the people who acuse us of wanting to be the little girl are the ones who in fact want so, you know, like that "people who call other people gay often are hiding their own latent homosexuality" deal.

Seriously, if a little cartoon threatens your masculinity, then i guess you shouldn't waste your time protecting such a insignificant thing.

>> No.20668863

/co/ has decided it hates having testicles

>> No.20668867 [SPOILER] 
File: 233 KB, 919x1300, horse7.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Ah, a voyeuristic thing going on...

>> No.20668874
File: 285 KB, 1280x960, yotsubaNO.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20668891 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20668896 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 919x1300, horse9.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20668918

You have no idea how bad I want to do that.

>> No.20668920 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 919x1300, horse10.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20668930

I prefer centaurs, actually. they at least have voices, hands and tits.

>> No.20668933 [SPOILER] 
File: 205 KB, 919x1300, horse11.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20668934

After seeing Mike Row on Dirty Jobs shove his whole arm up a horse's pussy and it being 100% indifferent to it with no reaction at all, this comic seems too off.

>> No.20668953
File: 194 KB, 919x1300, horse12.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

She's got a voice in this, it's just there's no dialogue. Make up your own for fun.

>> No.20668968

curious about sauce...

>> No.20668970

Where can i watch the second part of the episode?

>> No.20668972 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 975x1300, horse13.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

That's cause Mike Rowe had no intention in givin' it some sweet lovin'.

>> No.20668977

i call seconds

>> No.20668989

What sucks the most about that comic is the fact the artist definitely has the ability to make very cute characters, instead he makes the horses completely feral. Which is trolling everyone.

>> No.20669006

I recognize the artstyle - Furronika - but I've never seen this comic anywhere in the places I've seen other examples of their work.

>> No.20669030

Because, of course, out of the myriad number of fetishes which are popular on the internet, beastiality is not one of them.

>> No.20669031

Really? It's one of his best. He has shit work-ethic though, and never puts up any of his stuff himself, and almost never follows through with anything he starts.

>> No.20669043

Sorry it's not a "My Little Pony" character.

>> No.20669056

Indeed. zip/link to sauce? I have yet to see a site of his own, and most of the stuff of his I've seen is scattered centaur pics with a few other things here and there.

>> No.20669059
File: 35 KB, 569x826, mlp.png [View same] [iqdb]

/co/ is full of hypocrites who will chastise you for not liking the same children's entertainment as them.

>> No.20669074

>>have the shit we watch
I don't think I've ever seen someone misspell Half as have...ever...

>> No.20669083

Look him up on e621 dot net, he also might have a furaffinity account.

>> No.20669095

strawman image is straw, man and image

>> No.20669096
File: 258 KB, 719x445, PONIES.png [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20669117

Except for the ponies who hate moe aren't the same ponies who love MLP.

Everypony should just lighten the heck up.

>> No.20669122

So what's up with the random elf dude? I DEMAND CLOSURE.

>> No.20669157

There will be songs. Songs sung by Pinkie Pie.
Be afraid /mlp/, be very afraid.

Maybe they'll even reuse that horrible sea pony song.

>> No.20669163

It's a centaur. So perhaps they're his parents. If this is true, the fact that he has a hard-on while watching them is pretty fucked up.

>> No.20669168

>sea pony

>> No.20669172

Most anime annoys me because of otaku culture and anime tropes in general. It's why I like Cowboy Bebop. Show me an anime that doesn't actually use words like "moe" and "tsundre" and I might actually like it.

>> No.20669191

>centaurs are what happens when a man fucks his horse

Someone go tell /tg/ this, see what they think.

>> No.20669192
File: 351 KB, 1164x1308, mlp___not_quite__pinkie_pie____by_hellahellastyle-d30wzjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Pinkie Pie is adorable because she's retarded. She's my third favorite being Dash and Fluttershy.

>> No.20669196

Would you prefer 'Shoop be do, shoop shoop be do'?

>> No.20669198


You know what they say, "moe money, moe problems"

>> No.20669208

Ooh me too!

>> No.20669217

Make it stop. MAKE IT STOOOOOOP!

>> No.20669220

Do you even know what that means?

"Strawman" is just internet shorthand for "argument I disagree with but can't think of how to refute."

>> No.20669225
File: 20 KB, 640x480, sos.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


...I kinda want to see the seaponies again, and I even want that song to return. Even though it's annoyingly catchy. The seaponies are just master trolls.

>> No.20669235

What a terrible strawman image.

>> No.20669239

>"Strawman" is just internet shorthand for "argument I disagree with but can't think of how to refute."
I really hope you're a troll. Because if you're actually that stupid I feel like I'm getting stupid from just reading what you type.

>> No.20669242


>> No.20669246

They were first represented by cultures who had no exposure to horseback riding, so when they finally saw people riding horses, they perceived the horse and the man to be one. Right?
But /tg/, they'd probably tell me something about DnD or somesuch shit....

>> No.20669251

i'd say that covers at least 98% of all japanese cartoons ever made. in fact, i don't think i've ever seen those words used in any of the ones i've seen.

i would like to know how /co/ can talk about this show so much, and yet the last time i checed, no links to episodes on /rs/

>> No.20669260

Any links to more work of the horse/man love?

>> No.20669261

Keep stalling, Blackarachnia, while I think of another way to dodge the argument!

>> No.20669265

That's because it's on youtube.

Why walk when you can dance?

>> No.20669266
File: 36 KB, 640x480, shoobedoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb]



>> No.20669275


>> No.20669286


>> No.20669298

that's quite the leap in logic. "i've never seen anyone ride a horse before, so logically what i am looking at must be a man/horse hybrid" egads.
it refers to the practice of putting words into your opponents mouth to make them look stupid/hypocritical/wrong

>> No.20669306

Strawman arguments aren't always wrong, however...

They're just not a very clever thing to do in an argument.

>> No.20669317

>>20669298 it refers to the practice of putting words into your opponents mouth to make them look stupid/hypocritical/wrong
But to even be posting on /co/ in the first place, it should be understood that they like cartoons and comics. So I'm not "putting words in their mouth," I'm just illustrating what we already assume to be true.

Unless you want me to consider the possibility that the pony-haters don't actually like comics or cartoons at all, and are just here to troll?

>> No.20669321
File: 32 KB, 640x480, even_more_of_these_little_abominations.jpg [View same] [iqdb]



>> No.20669322

Those words are the same as "woobie" and "speedster". It's just a madder of fan-lingo being used in an official fashion.
You will get the further away from fandom the further the show is from having them as an audience.

Now things get fuzzy when fan terms leaks into the general population and suddenly everybody starts saying "owned!", "tank plz!" and 4chan gets mentioned repeatedly in Marvel books.

Otherwise we simply don't pay much attention to "our" tropes and cliches because they don't feel out of place to us because we expect them. Even though they are of the exact same make as the ones over the Pacific.

>> No.20669323

It doesn't seem any more outlandish than assuming elephant bones must have been left behind by gargantuan monoeyed humans.

>> No.20669335

Tell it to the people of the ancient worlds.

>> No.20669357
File: 16 KB, 288x288, dude[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb]





>> No.20669360

not all comics are about superheroes. my little pony is in fact a cartoon. and finally, lots of people like more than one thing, and those things often have wildly different themes and are in a wide variety of genres!

>> No.20669386
File: 8 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

hey guy, you're starting to sound a little horse.

>> No.20669388

Or feeling heat and seeing steam rising off a volcanic area and believing it was the gateway to hell...

>> No.20669407

>>20669360 not all comics are about superheroes
But they're all children's entertainment. You're just showing that the joke went dilly-dah straight over your head. I just wanted an image that would immediately make the reader think "comic book." It doesn't matter of it's a superhero comic or Donald Duck or Richie Rich or whatever.

>> No.20669411



>> No.20669419

you didn't read my whole post, and most comics these days arn't intended for children

>> No.20669447
File: 25 KB, 640x480, kelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb]



also, I like how that Troll 2 dude has a fly sitting on his forehead when he does The Best Line Delivery Ever

>> No.20669453
File: 8 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I guess you could say that it's time to saddle up and post some pony puns.

>> No.20669455

The problem I have with my little pony is, it's for little girls. It has also been for little girls. Even when I was very, very young, I would watch Barney, and Blues Clues, and Sesame Street, but me and every other kid in my neighborhood agreed My Little Pony was for girls. Now think about that. A 7 year old boy would laugh at you and call you a faggot, and I would have to agree with him.

>> No.20669470
File: 113 KB, 369x500, 2223808127_6eb9656392.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Fuck Sea Ponies. Bring THESE niggers in.

>> No.20669476

You're right, they're keen on proving that every page.

Turning out they're perfect for 13-year-olds who ARE NOT CHILDREN ANYMORE!

>> No.20669477

You jelly.

>> No.20669481

Why do you give a shit what a seven year old boy thinks of you?
What are you, six?

>> No.20669490

If you care what a 7-year-old thinks about you, that's pretty goddamn sad.

>> No.20669502

>i only partake in mature mediums for mature audiences such as myself.

>> No.20669506

so you're saying you're a total pussy? you're not MAN enough to enjoy My Little Pony?

>> No.20669509

I would imagine that a significant amount of ponyfags actually ARE girls. Y'know, because they do exist on the internet.

>> No.20669513

that thing is grotesque
beat me to it. and besides, go and watch the intro to care bears on youtube. that makes my little pony look like fist of the north star. mlp is probably one of the least lame of the 80s girl toy cartoons

>> No.20669517

>Why do you give a shit what a seven year old boy thinks of you?

The seven year olds are the least of your worries. Imagine teenagers, young adults, people of your age finding out you still watch cartoons - and not even "funny cartoons" like Family Guy, cartoons like "My Little Pony? Are you serious? Are you like... gay or something?"

>> No.20669520

>>20669455 I would have to agree with ... seven year old boy
And that's /co/ in a nutshell.

>> No.20669526

Well I can't neigh for everypony. But this pony isn't a filly.

>> No.20669534

still stuck on the whole "marvel and dc are the only comics companies" angle, i see.

>> No.20669541


>go and watch the intro to care bears on youtube. that makes my little pony look like fist of the north star.

I laughed pretty hard at this one.

>> No.20669543

>that thing is grotesque
It's a fucking dinosaur! It's awesome!

But also grotesque, yes. However if it were redesigned in the new FIM style it could be epic.

>> No.20669569

Does it sing? Is it cloned?

>> No.20669583
File: 14 KB, 396x300, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


Those "animals-that-are-not-ponies-but-are-made-to-look-like-MLPs" were terrifying. Just look at the picture here and try to guess what species it is.

Answer here: It's a lion.

It looks terrible. And that dinosaur in particular, with that random pony hair. This line of toys was just bad, IMO.

>> No.20669587
File: 10 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his pun level?

>> No.20669595
File: 27 KB, 320x400, missed_the_point.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I guess the "It's sad and weird" argument doesn't hit home most of the time with you guys...

>> No.20669604
File: 102 KB, 707x363, 1287391088077.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

You're... kinda right. But the animators, merchandising folks and writers are not the same as back then, trns out they might be tired of some of the "cute" tropes, are keener or snarky humor, etc, also some of them have the same cultural background as we do. So turns out even stuff like Scooby Doo and MLP are made interesting for "grown ups". (Even guys, when it comes to MLP).

Pic related.

>> No.20669608

I dunno, I was the kid who liked Care Bear Cousins more than Care Bears. I always gravitate to the more "unique" designs.

>> No.20669612
File: 16 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20669616

>>20669419 most comics these days arn't intended for children

>> No.20669629

>stop liking what i don't like.

>> No.20669649

haha, pink curly mullet
hey, girlfags: what was the line of toys in the 80s that was like mlp, but the toys were much bigger and they had secret comparments that could be locked with a little plastic key?
i guess most of us don't care because most of us aren't completely defined by what cartoons we watch

>> No.20669690


>what was the line of toys in the 80s that was like mlp, but the toys were much bigger and they had secret comparments that could be locked with a little plastic key?

Loli Lock-up

>> No.20669709


>> No.20669722

You actually think the prime demographic for comics these days are kids? Any kid who cares about Iron man or Batman does so because of the toys or cartoons.

>> No.20669736

>- It evokes the feelings we ALL felt when the Robot Unicorn Attack game headshotted us with rainbows, horsies and catchy, campy music.
Confirmed for faggot.

>> No.20669748


>> No.20669753

>Implying Robot Unicorn Attack isn't awesome
>confirmed for massive faggot.

>> No.20669761

Confirmed for closeted faggot/jelly/insecure and lashing out because he's ashamed of these strange feelings he's experiencing.

>> No.20669766


>Any kid who cares about Iron man or Batman does so because of the toys or cartoons.

Pretty much. All I know about DC is what I learned from watching all the Bruce Tim cartoons. Since so many have been created, I'd say I know my fair share. I don't know jack shit about Marvel.

>> No.20669770

Because furries.

>> No.20669778

Can we get some goddamned MLP reaction images posted in this bitch?

>> No.20669783


Confirmed for thin-skinned manchildren

>> No.20669788


You forgot..

-Because i'm a secret furfag.

>> No.20669802


>> No.20669805

My Little Pony is a Seinen, clearly not intended for little girls. Of course, haters will never admit it because they won't watch it.

>> No.20669816

it's not even furry.

>> No.20669837
File: 53 KB, 450x439, hatersgonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


I'll tell you something. When you're a kid, you enjoy the cartoons, comics, etc that you enjoy and it's all okay. Then you hit teen age and you live through a pretty rough part of your life; you're between being a child and being a grown-up. So, you try to look grown-up soooo hard and diss on everything "childish", you try to appear like a "tough guy" to impress your buddies, and there's all sorts of peer pressure.

But then you eventually pass puberty, you grow up and gain some sense into your head. You realize: "hey, I can do anything I want as my hobby. Fuck all the judgemental twats who think that my hobbies/interests are stupid".

It just doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about you. It doesn't matter if someone thinks your interests are gay, childish, nerdy or anything else. The only thing that matters is that you enjoy your hobbies/interests; haters gonna hate, and you don't have to care about their opinion.
And that is why we have these MLP threads and people enjoying this franchise.

>> No.20669841
File: 15 KB, 300x323, hellajeff can't believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

This thread, man.

>> No.20669852
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>> No.20669867

Just don't tell anyone about this new fixation of yours, guys. Execs might sniff a new demographic and we will end up with our very own moe shit.

>> No.20669884

>Haters gonna hate
"I'm being a Dyke, and you can't stop me" would work just as well

>> No.20669885

I don't know, we could wait for, like, THE SECOND EPISODE before declaring it a seinen.

Still expecting that little dragon to get some sweet pony ass from Fluttershy, though.

>> No.20669909


Of course it's easy to type that up on an anonymous internet messageboard. I'd love to see you stumble your way through the first paragraph in front of your laughing co-workers, though.

>> No.20669926

"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

-C.S. Lewis

>> No.20669929


>> No.20669939

Aww hell yeah. You know he's going to be tapping that shit, son.

>> No.20669942


>> No.20669973


Et tu, Lewis?

>> No.20670040

try explaining to your co-workers that you're a member of an internet community where people spend hours talking about comics and cartoons, and then try to call other people manchildren at the same time, and see how they react.

>> No.20670071
File: 108 KB, 597x571, citrusdream.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Hey /co/! Let's post some OC ponies! XD

>> No.20670146


Isn't it funny how no-one ever uses this out-of-context quote outside the context of 'manchildren defending their questionable interests in cartoons created for a demographic half their age"?

>> No.20670147


>Try explaining to your co-workers that you're a member of an internet community where people spend hours talking about comics and cartoons, and then try to call other people manchildren at the same time, and see how they react.

They would be okay with that i've talked with co-workers & friends about comics & cartoons on multiple occasions, that kinda thing is pretty mainstream now with so many blockbuster movies based on superhero franchises about, same with cartoons everyone had a favorite when growing up & lot of people will still watch em from time to time..

Not sure they would be so understanding if i started talking about how much i fetishize magical ponies in a cartoon aimed at 13 year old girls though.

>> No.20670163
File: 137 KB, 566x793, 01-Cheroki-Chan_Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>>20670071Okay, Good shire! Th-thi-this is My Original Creation as a Pony, based on Myself, for the delight of my Loyal Fanbase.

>> No.20670233

>>20670146 out-of-context quote
Of course it's being taken out of context, do you want me to post THE ENTIRE LETTER it was written in?

>> No.20670238


"Hey guys, remember those old cartoons like Pink Panther and Batman?"
>nostalgiafest ensues, some interesting opinions and such are brought up

"Hey guys I watched the newest My Little Pony, anyone else want to talk about it? Which one is your waifu?"
>everyone else gives their excuses and leaves

>> No.20670253


Actually, yeah.

>> No.20670263


I haven't been in a situation where MLP just randomly came to be the topic of discussion with co-workers. But if there came such a situation, I wouldn't hesitate to say that yes, I watched MLP cartoon as a kid and feel nostalgic about it. It's the truth, I feel self-confident and secure about myself, and I don't feel the need to hide that I like MLPs.

Also, my other nerdy interests include Disney cartoons, superhero comics, videogames, stuff like that. There will always be people who will think "you are such a nerd, why are you interested in so childish things?". But like I said, their opinions don't matter. MLP is no different from my other nerdy interests; I'm totally cool with enjoying ponies and I feel no shame about it.

>> No.20670287
File: 50 KB, 306x296, mlp- u mad face.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Bitches can't step to my Pinkie Pie.

>> No.20670320
File: 110 KB, 461x438, 127360759679.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>My Little Pony threads: 200+ Posts
>Orc-Stain or similar comics: Nothing.

>> No.20670329

that's not what I said to tell them.

I didn't say "tell your co-workers you like cartoons".

I said tell your co-workers you like them enough that you'll spend hours talking about them with random people on the internet you don't know. We're not saying "hey, remember that one cartoon?" because you can still just pin that up on "yeah, I watched that when I was a kid". Fact is you're a full-grown adult who spends his spare time reading comics or watching cartoons and dicussing them with people online. Unless your co-workers are also members of 4chan, they're not going to get what your deal is.

>> No.20670348

He has quirds? That sounds like a horrible skin disease.

>> No.20670393

Don't be a sad pony... Embrace the fruitiness.

>> No.20670405
File: 36 KB, 182x150, 1269828213325.png [View same] [iqdb]

You'd be surprised by the discussions.

>> No.20670437

>>20670329 tell your co-workers you like them enough that you'll spend hours talking about them with random people on the internet you don't know
Tell your co-workers that you spend hours talking about Batman on the internet with people you don't know.

You're moving the goalposts. They wouldn't think he's a loser because of the "My Little Pony" part, they'd think he's a loser because of the "hours on the internet talking to strangers" part.

>> No.20670455
File: 42 KB, 500x500, moefist.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

So I heard this is /co/'s K-on!

>> No.20670473


brb suicide

>> No.20670485


>My other nerdy interests include Disney cartoons, superhero comics, videogames..

Most of those things are still pretty mainstream, no one would look down on you for any of those especially videogames..
It's the fact that you are trying to rationalize a liking for a cartoon aimed at young girls that would be a cause for concern..
Not to mention pretty much every thread i see on here about my little pony seems to centre mainly about which one you would like to fuck.

It's not so much the content of the show, which in itself is quite benign because it is aimed at young girls, but the implications of a grown man liking it raises questions about where the appeal actually lies?
Is it so you can have something to talk to with woefully underage girls as a means of earning their trust & abusing them?
Or does the interest lie in the ponies themselves & maybe the show appeals to hidden fetish you have about having sex with horses?

Because that's what most everyday people are going to think when you bring that up not that you're a "nerd" but that you are a pervert.

>> No.20670487


Except MLP is not shit.

>> No.20670497

that's the point, the original post I was replying to >>20669909
was saying that "yeah, you only think that's okay because you don't have to talk about it in front of actual people, but if you did you'd look like an idiot!"

I'm just saying that even being an active member of 4chan kind of puts that idea on its head.

>> No.20670502

plus4chan mocks thee!

>> No.20670513

This justifies a raid.

>> No.20670592

Don't be a fag.

>> No.20670632


That's what the K-ON! fans say, so. "It's not 'moe'! Moe doesn't exist, you morons! It's not shallow at all, I wouldn't want to sex them up, they're cute characters! I watch this show for the plot! I just want to hug them and buy cups with their faces on and play terrible licensed mahjong games for the PSP! Oh god what is wrong with my life"

>> No.20670730

Why bother? They have their own problems to deal with.

>> No.20670746

Biggest difference: K-on lacks a story.

>> No.20670767


MLP will be an episodic series. Sorry to disappoint you on that one.

>> No.20670795

We clearly need to start purging this board regularly.

>> No.20670849


>> No.20670880

Yes all these /co/ related threads are just crapping up the boards...

>> No.20670972

I just realized a MLP dating sim could be addicting...

>> No.20670987

>but the implications of a grown man liking [MLP]

I'm not a grown man. And those "implying implications" you mentioned sounded a bit too much like that ridiculous article that was posted up the thread (youareallpedos.jpg).

Although now that you mentioned genders, I started wondering something. It seems to me that girls can fairly easily get into stuff that has guys as their target audience, while guys have difficulties getting into things that were intended for girls. Females in guy-dominated fandoms seem to get "awesome, you like guy stuff" response while males in a similar situation get asked "why the fuck are you into this girl stuff, are you a faggot?" (although this question usually comes from other males rather than females).

I also once heard about a study that said that females find it easy to sympathise with both male and female lead characters, while males have a hard time doing the same with female leads and thus, aren't interested in such kinds of series. There were some interesting discussions about how "male=default gender" and "female=something Different" but I don't remember the link.

I don't have a conclusion to make about these things. Just wondering about gender roles in the society/media, and whether guys have some kind of invisible pressure to prove their masculinity (and if this pressure is gnawing on their self-confidence).

>> No.20671062

Fund it.

>> No.20671119

Dude, if I knew shit about flash programming I might try it... unfortunately, not the case. Something like Twinkle Revue 2.0...

>> No.20671150

I'm a girl and I think the show is average at best. I really don't get what the big deal is, other than most of /co/ seems to want to plow them all.

I was waaaay into MLP as a child, btw.

>> No.20671216

Would be fabulous.

>> No.20671237
File: 100 KB, 588x332, 1287479603361.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

So why the fuck are you even replying to this thread and not ignoring/hiding this thread then anyways?

>> No.20671274



u mad bro?

>> No.20671281


That's easy. Half of them secretly love it, and the other half are doing it for the lulz.

>> No.20671294


>> No.20671353


I mean, seriously, I made one comment in a thread where I have every right to do so and you flipped right the fuck out.

Calm down, dude. It's just a kids show. I was just stating my opinion.

>> No.20671370
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>> No.20671383

>implying I'm the same person.
>implying that was 'flipping right the fuck out'.

>> No.20671386

I'm pissed. I have to work when the new episode airs... and I don't even think I have that channel. Anyone planning on uploading it?

>> No.20671412


You projecting.

>> No.20671431


>implying there would be any possible way to know that

And yea, I consider that overreacting/flipping out.

Oh wait, this is the internet. Meaning that your opinion is the right opinion.

>> No.20671436

the first episode was on youtube the night it premiered, it'll probably at least be up there that night.

>> No.20671452 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 235x215, images-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Wow, someone is confused with the terms "opinions" and "statements".
I'm not mad, I'm just calling you out on your double standing bullshit there sweetie.

>> No.20671454

I downloaded it yesterday from youtube using Jdownloader. One can hope the same uploader keeps delivering.

>> No.20671461

>I consider that overreacting/flipping out.
You mustn't interact with people very often.

>> No.20671496


>Implying that 4chan counts as proper social interaction


As far as possible responses to someone on the internet, that was a bit over the top, imo.

>> No.20671514

Don't worry dude, /co/ will have it ready on youtube after it airs. We got your back man.

>> No.20671526

You missed the point, sugar.

>> No.20671553


>Statement: a : a single declaration or remark : assertion b : a report of facts OR opinions


>> No.20671557

>lol i can use a dictionary too guize. lol

>> No.20671601


Apparently someone hasn't heard of one.

It's okay, every one makes mistakes, honey.

>> No.20671626

>ad hominems are fun guize. Lol.

>> No.20671643

>every one

Haha, including me.


>> No.20671667

What is the episode in which those damn Ponies regrew their mane instantly.

>> No.20671711
File: 161 KB, 720x720, 1287390097918.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

My definition trumps your definition.
Also pic as contributing to thread, enjoy.

>> No.20671713

>I'm a girl
lolthatsnice Tits or Get the fuck out.

>> No.20671752


That definition is perfectly fine.

I made a statement. That's all it was.

>> No.20671818


What is that thing, Candlejack?

>> No.20671819
File: 383 KB, 794x567, MLP%20MLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Aww guys, don't bicker.
Posting some cute G1 ponies to counter the negative vibes.

I lol'd

>> No.20671866


>> No.20671911
File: 313 KB, 959x2734, co = ponies.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

another 300+ post pony thread incoming? i'll put it on my trophy wall

>> No.20671914
File: 107 KB, 411x339, Picture 129.png [View same] [iqdb]

That's the thing about Twilight sparkle. She is a female character that guys can relate to (even more than the girls can).

All the characters are really well done in this show, but I really have to hand it to Faust for putting that kind of thought in twilight.

>> No.20671923

This thread is just plain silly.

>> No.20671971
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>> No.20671983

That's the idea and we love it!

>> No.20672001

All that after ONE episode

>> No.20672056

Found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wdW-Habm6I&videos=iRanWkSK8Ao&feature=BF

>> No.20672130

That's right girls, if you cut off the hair off your my little pony, it'll grow right back.

Go ahead and try it.

>> No.20672142


/co/ doesn't like it when you



>> No.20672757

Wow, bad post is......bad....

>> No.20673078
File: 38 KB, 399x392, Ohponycrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Best Special Ever!!
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iAev9n5coo
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxMghnVLnTk&feature=related
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnEso43ShSk&feature=related

>> No.20673112
File: 864 KB, 597x3583, ponyhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20673139
File: 4 KB, 126x120, 1284664588433s.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

That episode terrified me.

>> No.20673140
File: 98 KB, 270x276, 12729332110674126.png [View same] [iqdb]

She has so many fuckan reaction images too

>> No.20673170

at least is better than those fucking sports that promote male on male rape

>> No.20673241

I was googling for this thing (and other oldschool MLP cartoons) and downloaded one copy. Turned out it was dubbed into Polish and I couldn't understand a word :[ Except during the much dreaded seapony song. The song was left in English but somebody narrated Polish lyrics on top of the song, making it an even more horrible experience than usually.

Any idea of the video source? The image quality is better than in the Youtube copy that someone posted. And like I said, I'm looking for old MLP stuff; preferrably as .avi files rather than on Youtube.

>> No.20673306
File: 23 KB, 630x336, ponyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

When Transformers Animated was running, we really weren't talking about the battle scenes. It was the characters' relationships, backgrounds, and the history and structure of their society that was the most interesting to discuss.
There's no reason why MLP can't be like that.

>> No.20673357

Man, I always go through phases where I get really into MLPs. This cartoon has me so hyped.

I'd love to learn how to make those custom ones; some of them are awesome beyond belief.

>> No.20673466
File: 57 KB, 630x336, mlp_sjgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20673587

what, you mean with the game?


>> No.20673683

Though if we get to see some action, it might be interesting... well, one can dream, right?

>> No.20673692
File: 28 KB, 285x269, 1286661803119.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20673695

i think they meant custom toy ponies

>> No.20673726
File: 215 KB, 1380x1011, customponies.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Yeah, those custom pony toys are really cool. I especially like the ponies that Mari Kasurinen has posted online, and it was really neat how her Star Wars ponies got featured on SW's official website.

An online friend once made me a neat custom MLP (she painted a pony to look like one OC of mine that she liked). She told me that customizing a pony involved decapitating it and taking its hair/mane out. It's a bit silly since we're talking about lifeless toys, but the idea of doing that stuff to a MLP felt kinda creepy to me.

>> No.20673785

wha...what sports would these be?

>> No.20673869

Has anyone made custom Ponies for the Robot Chicken sketch Apocalypse Ponies?

>> No.20673903

Why do people keep expecting this to turn into something awesome and exciting. I watched the first episode. It was more boring than W.I.T.C.H.

>> No.20673962


That's why.

>> No.20673981
File: 12 KB, 400x300, Pony_Alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20674094
File: 367 KB, 1191x1417, ncstsmooze.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20674173

The people who enjoyed it already think it's awesome.

>> No.20674674
File: 38 KB, 584x400, 8642c2b6f0e-pony.jpg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20675151

day/night pony creation myth, that's why.

>> No.20676229
File: 296 KB, 550x1515, sp05282008.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

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